Alumpire is a manufacturer of security windows and doors based in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico. Our challenge was to rebrand a 10 year-oldbusiness, avoid corporate clichés, differentiate them from the competition, and effectively communicate their brand identity and services. To accomplish that, we changed their name to Alumpire, which comes from their goal of building an Aluminum Empire.
For Alumpire’s logo we created an icon that looks like an A,but is really a house that alludes to aluminum extrusion and has an open door.The open door symbolizes the open door policy and familial environment that characterizes Alumpire. For the logo’s background and brand development wecreated isometric illustrations that showcase all of their products andservices. The typography is Sans Serif and we made the Alum in Alumpire bold inorder to help potential customers understand that they are a company that usesaluminum for their products.
Color plays a big role in Alumpire’s brand development. We conducted a study of other windows and doors companies and the colors theytypically use for their branding. To differentiate Alumpire from the competition we chose a midnight blue, yellow, and beige color palette. Those colors also help us accomplish our goal of creating a brand that’s emblematic, exudes power, and stands alone.
Color plays a big role in Alumpire’s brand development. We conducted a study of other windows and doors companies and the colors theytypically use for their branding. To differentiate Alumpire from the competition we chose a midnight blue, yellow, and beige color palette. Those colors also help us accomplish our goal of creating a brand that’s emblematic, exudes power, and stands alone.
Color plays a big role in Alumpire’s brand development. We conducted a study of other windows and doors companies and the colors theytypically use for their branding. To differentiate Alumpire from the competition we chose a midnight blue, yellow, and beige color palette. Those colors also help us accomplish our goal of creating a brand that’s emblematic, exudes power, and stands alone.