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Hecho en Puerto Rico
Product Manufacturing & Services
Project Dimension

Our rebranding project for Asociación de Productos Hecho en Puerto Rico includes three fundamental changes: the name readjustment, the creation of an institutional logo for the association, and a revision of the seal for Hecho en Puerto Rico.

We created a dynamic and flexible brand that can change depending on its use. In the name readjustment, we added the prepositions “in” and “for” (‘En’, ‘Por’, y ‘Para’ in Spanish) to incorporate the user, and highlight the inclusion of all the entrepreneurs and companies that work towards the economic growth and development of the island. ‍For the color palette, we stuck with the gold of the gear, and combined it with white and purple to symbolize nobility, richness, creativity and pride. This project marks a new era for the Asociación de Productos Hechos en Puerto Rico and with it, the future of all products from Puerto Rico to the world.

When presented with the project challenge, our design team noticed that the seal was not only an indicator of the quality of the products, but it was also used as the logo itself for the association. At that moment, we knew we needed to redesign a seal that was equally iconic and representative of all the entrepreneurs, brands, and companies that compose it. ‍For the image of the gear, we made a subtle yet contemporary twist to it by adding precision and rounder shapes with straight angles that represent not only a modern gear, but an accessible one with the intention of guiding Puerto Rico towards a new future. ‍
Miguel Miranda Montes, Founder & Chief Design Officer

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